Day 3: Take it easy.

Day 3: Take it easy.

r e l a x a t i o n

Day 3 done! I was somewhat stressed from how things started off, so I was inspired to make this. It was just made with HTML and CSS, I really wanted to try and pace myself better, especially recovering from an all-nighter. Hardest part about this project was getting the animation timings right for the circle and text. After that, I just added one more animation for a continual background color change. This was the most I have messed with CSS animations in a long while.

I fell asleep mid-way working through this project, which explains the late posting time for myself. My goal is to actually get this things done before the end of the day to stay true to the challenge, so I apologize to those who may be expecting more punctuality.

I still have a lot of areas to improve in, including time management, and hopefully by the end of this week I can start releasing more cool projects.